Unnur Óttarsdóttir

Born 27th August 1962


1998–2006 University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, United Kingdom, Ph.D. in art therapy.
1988–1991 Pratt Institute, New York, M.A. in art therapy.
1983–1986 Iceland University of Education, Reykjavík, B.Ed. in teaching.
2013-2015 Iceland University of the Arts, Master of Fine Arts, Reykjavik
2014 The Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, Kuno-express course, Helsinki
2007-2010 Iceland Academy of the Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Reykjavik
2010 Royal Academy of Art in Copenhagen, Kuno-express course, Copenhagen
2010 Estonian Academy of Arts, Kuno-express course, Tallinn
2001-2005 Akureyri Art Academy, Diploma of Fine Arts, Akureyri

Solo Exhibitions

2023 Intertwine – Gallerí Grótta, Reykjavík.
2021 Memory – The Icelandic Printmakers Association Gallery, Reykjavik
2014 Echo – The Cube, Icelandic Academy of the Arts, Reykjavik
2012 Waterfall-Walk – The Association of Icelandic Artists Gallery, Reykjavik
2012 Moved by Iceland – Skörin, Reykjavik
2012 Waterfall-Walk – Hof Cultural and Conference Center, Akureyri
2012 Waterfall-Walk – Mjólkurbúðin, Akureyri
2008 Postwoman – Café Karólína, Akureyri
2007 Book life – The Reykjavík Academy, Reykjavik

Duo Exhibitions

2021 Unnur Guðrún Edda, Google – Salurinn, Kopavogur
2017 Dunnas Laboratory – Mjólkurbúðin, Akureyri
2015 Speculating – Mosfellsbær Art Museum, Mosfellsbær
2015 A year in the artworld – Anarkía, Kopavogur
2013 Waterfall-Walk – Vinnslan, Reykjavik
2013 Waterfall-Walk – Isafjordur Art Museum, Isafjordur

Group Exhibitions

2024 Língua Surda – Museu Fbaup, Porto
2023 Tomma Rum – Blixtutstallning – Korpilombolo, Sweden
2023 Reykjavík Art Book Fair – Reykjavik Art Museum, Reykjavik
2022 Hue – Gallery Grásteinn, Reykjavik
2022 Colourohm – The Icelandic Printmakers Association Gallery, Reykjavik
2021 Underpass Avant-garður – Avant-garður, Reykjavik
2019 Trust – Bragginn, Kopasker, Iceland
2018 Tomma Rum – Lilla galleriet, The bath house, Västervik, Sweden
2017 Pillars – Læknaminjasafnið, Seltjarnarnes
2017 As Crazy – Mengi, Reykjavik
2017 Tomma Rum – Gula Huset, Uddebo, Sweden
2016 High tide – Læknaminjasafnið, Seltjarnarnes
2016 Tomma Rum – Lilla galleriet, IFÖ center, Bromölla, Sweden
2015 Monstra de Residéncias Largo Das Artes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2015 Hústaka II – Bergstaðastræti 25, Reykjavik
2015 Kunstschlager stofa – Reykjavik Art Museum, Reykjavik
2015 Autumn exhibition – Akureyri Art Museum, Akureyri
2015 Graduation Exhibition – Kopavogur Art Museum, Kopavogur
2014 Fjarvera Nærveru – Læknaminjasafnið, Seltjarnarnes
2013 Höstsalongen 2013 – Edsvik Kunstall, Sollentuna, Sweden
2013 Waterfall-Walk – Vinnslan, Reykjavik
2013 Waterfall-Walk – Verbúð Húsavík, Husavik
2012 Avant-garður – Miklubraut 62, Reykjavik
2012 Netverk bókverka – The Nordic House, Reykjavik
2012 MÓT – Kaffistofan Nemendagallerí LHÍ, Reykjavik
2011 Ólavsökuframsýning – The Faroe Islands National Art Museum, Tórshavn
2010 Sýnilegt myrkur – Hugmyndahúsið, Reykjavik
2010 Þúfubarð – Gallery 002, Hafnarfjordur
2010 Slip my mind – Hugmyndahúsið, Reykjavik
2010 Silkiþrykk – The Icelandic Printmakers Association Gallery, Reykjavik
2010 USS – Edinborg Cultural Centre, Isafjordur
2010 Graduation Exhibition – Reykjavik Art Museum, Reykjavik
2010 Sjálfsmyndir – BOXIÐ, Akureyri
2009 Sjálfsmyndir – SÍM-húsið, Reykjavik
2009 Sjálfsmyndir – Kaffistofan Nemendagallerí LHÍ, Reykjavik
2009 Sjálfsmyndir – Bragginn, Kópaskeri
2009 Comodin Silverhammer Curates – Lost Horse Gallery, Reykjavik
2009 Sultan Eldmóður – Bakkus, Reykjavik
2009 Everything but Iceland – Gallerí Crymogæa, Reykjavik
2009 “46” – Kornhauschen, Aschaffenburg, Germany
2009 Opnunarsýning Crymogæa – Gallerí Crymogæa, Reykjavik
2009 Skyssa – Kaffistofan Nemendagallerí LHÍ, Reykjavik
2008 Grálist engin smálist – Deiglan, Akureyri
2007 Sprotar í myndlist – Deiglan, Akureyri
2007 Gallerí Víðátta 601 – Hrafnagilsskóli, Akureyri
2004 Bókverk-Bókalist – Handverk og hönnun, Reykjavik
2004 Bókverk-Bóklist – LÁ Art Museum, Hveragerdi
2004 María Mey – Safnaðarheimili Akureyrarkirkju, Akureyri
2004 María Mey – Bragginn, Kópaskeri
2000 The Body – The Reykjavik Academy, Reykjavik


2023 Tomma Rum – Korpilombolo, Sweden
2022 Tomma Rum – Burträsk, Sweden
2018 Tomma Rum – Västervik, Sweden
2017 Tomma Rum – Uddebo, Sweden
2016 Tomma Rum – Bromölla, Sweden
2015 Largo Das Artes – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Curatorial Projects – walking exhibitions

2013 Waterfall-Walk – Vinnslan, Reykjavik
2013 Waterfall-Walk – Verbúð Húsavík, Husavik
2012 Waterfall-Walk – Hof Cultural and Conference Centre, Akureyri
2012 Waterfall-Walk – Mjólkurbúðin, Akureyri
2009 Self-images – Kaffistofan Nemendagallerí LHÍ, Reykjavik

Educational Performance

2013 Reflection-participating-educational-performance – Mosfellsbaer Art Museum, Mosfellsbaer
2013 Mirroring-participating-educational-performance – The Cube, Icelandic Academy of the Arts

Exhibition Guidance

2015 Graduation exhibition – Kópavogur Art Museum, Kopavogur
2010 Graduation exhibition – Reykjavík Art Museum, Reykjavik
2007 Book life – The Reykjavík Academy, Reykjavik

Other Work Experience

2003– The Reykjavik Academy, independent researcher. Research and work on academic papers.
1991– Art Therapy Ottarsdottir, director and independent art therapist.
2014– The Icelandic University of the Arts. Lecturer. Art therapy in Education I, foundation courses (4 credits).
2013– Continuing Education Department of University of Akureyri. Part-time teaching. Art Therapy, foundation courses, Akureyri (5 credits).
2023 Reykjalundur. Teaching. Introduction to art therapy. Course for occupational therapists.
2023 Art therapy Italiana. Teaching. Art Therapy and Education: Art Educational Therapy (AET). Course for qualified creative therapists.
2021 The British Association of Art Therapists. Teaching. “Art therapy and memory drawing: working with children in schools“. Online course for qualified creative therapists.
2018–2021 International Erasmus project led by the Iceland University of the Arts. “Social Inclusion and Well-being through the Arts and Interdisciplinary Practices“ (SWAIP). Steering group.
2019 Hosting a meeting with the Second Lady of the United States at Art Therapy Ottarsdottir.
2018 Allocation Council. Hagþenkir.
2016 The Reykjavik Academy. Discussion chairman. “Unknown“. H-21 symposium. Interdisciplinary symposium, Reykjavik.
2016 The Icelandic University of the Arts. Lecturer. Art therapy in Education II, foundation course (6 credits).
2015 Art Therapy Association Romania, teaching. Art therapy for children who have experienced trauma. Courses for psychiatrists, psychologists, teachers, and others who work with children who have experienced trauma.
2014 University of Hertfordshire, teaching. Art Therapy in Education: Writing-images for Eenhancing Eemotional Wwell-being and Ffacilitating Ccoursework Llearning. Grounded Theory: Art Therapy Research and Drawn Diagrams.
2013–2014 The Icelandic Academy of the Arts. Supervision of MA student.
2010 Continuing Education – University of Iceland, art therapy teacher. Family Art Therapy. MA course.
2010 Bifröst University, examiner at MA viva for the thesis: Exhibition- and criticism part of children’s art creation in art education at primary school level.
2005-2006 University of Akureyri, member of a committee for art therapy education.
2002 Organisation of courses in Iceland: Creative Dimension: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. Teachers: Dr Janek Dubowski and Richard Hougham.
2001 Continuing Education – University of Iceland, organiser of courses. Storybooks on the Classroom. Teacher: Robin Campbell, Professor. Art therapy and autism. Art therapy for Increased Self-esteem. Teacher: Dr Janek Dubowski.
1999–2000 Árbæjarskóli, secondary school. Art therapist, researcher. Art therapy and special education for children with specific learning difficulties who have experienced stress and/or trauma. Research in connection with doctoral studies at University of Hertfordshire.
1995–1997 Kópavogsskóli, secondary school. Art therapist and special education teacher.
1994–1995 Þinghólsskóli, secondary school. Art therapist and special education teacher.
1994–1995 Department of Sports and Leisure in Reykjavík, teaching. Courses on art therapy for employees at community centres.
1992–1994 Secondary schools, introduction. Introduction to art therapy for employees of elementary schools.
1994 Icelandic Management Association, part-time teaching. Course on creative management.
1991–1994 Iceland College of Pre-School Teachers (Fóstruskóli Íslands), part-time teaching. Art therapy course.
1991–1994 High school Kópavogur, part-time teaching. Preparatory studies, integration of Icelandic lessons and art therapy. Art therapy with groups.
1990–1991 Snælandsskóli, secondary school. Art therapist. Individual and group art therapy.
1986–1990 Snælandsskóli, secondary school, school teacher. General teaching of 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10-year-old children.
1982–1983 Secondary school Ísafjörður, school teacher. General teaching of 6 and 10-year- old children.


Óttarsdóttir, U. G. 2024 Experiments on the Efficacy of Drawing for Memorization among Adults and Children with Varying Written Word Memory Capacities: A Two-Way Crossover Design. Education Sciences, 14(5), 470.
Óttarsdóttir, U. G. 2024 Memory drawing for children who have experienced stress and/or trauma and have specific learning difficulties. In: M. Cao, R. Hougham and S. Scoble (Eds.) Memory: shaping connections in the arts therapies (Chapter 8). Oxfordshire: Routledge.
Ottarsdottir, U. 2020 Elaborare emozioni e memorizzare attraverso il disegno (memory drawing) [Processing Emotions and Memorising Coursework Through Memory Drawing]. (M. D. Cagnoletta, C. Corlatanu, S. Cosimini, S. Musolino, V. Nicholls, Trans.) (Original work published 2018). ATOL: Art Therapy OnLine, 11(1).
Ottarsdottir, U. 2019 Unnið úr tilfinningum og námsefni lagt á minnið með minnisteikningu. Icelandic translation of the article: (2018) Processing Emotions and Memorising Coursework Through Memory Drawing. ATOL: Art Therapy OnLine, 9 (1). Glæður, 29, pp. 72-85.
Ottarsdottir, U. 2019 Ethical Concern when Applying Drawing for Memory: Research Conducted in Iceland. In: Audrey Di Maria (Ed.). Exploring Ethical Dilemmas in Art Therapy:50 Clinicians From 20 Countries Share Their Stories (pp. 266-272). New York: Routledge.
Ottarsdottir, U. 2019 Unnið úr tilfinningum og námsefni lagt á minnið með minnisteikningu. Icelandic translation of the article: (2018) Processing Emotions and Memorising Coursework Through Memory Drawing. ATOL: Art Therapy OnLine 9 (1). ATOL: Art Therapy OnLine, 10(1).
Ottarsdottir, U. 2018 Processing Emotions and Memorising Coursework through Memory Drawing. ATOL: Art Therapy OnLine, 9(1).
Ottarsdottir, U. 2018 Art therapy to Address Emotional Well-being of Children who have Experienced Stress and/or Trauma. In: A. Zubala & V. Karkou (Eds.), Arts Therapies in the Treatment of Depression: International Research in the Arts Therapies (pp. 30-47). Oxford: Routledge.
Unnur Óttarsdottir 2013 Grunduð kenning og teiknaðar skýringarmyndir. (Grounded Theory and Drawn Diagrams). In: Sigríður Halldórsdóttir (Ed.), Handbók í aðferðafræði rannsókna (e. Handbook of Research Methodology) (pp. 361-375). Akureyri: University of Akureyri.
Ottarsdottir, U. 2010 Writing-images. Art Therapy, Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 27(1), 32-39.
Ottarsdottir, U. 2010 Art Therapy in Education for Children with Specific Learning Difficulties Who Have Experienced Stress and/or Trauma. In: V. Karkou (Ed.), Arts Therapies in Schools: Research and Practice (pp. 145-160). London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
2006 Unnur Óttarsdóttir, Kristjana Fenger, Rósa Kristín Júlíusdóttir, og Björg Bjarnadóttir. University of Akureyri and art therapy: Report of a workgroup. Akureyri: University of Akureyri.
Ottarsdottir, U. 2005 Art Therapy in Education: for Children with Specific Learning Difficulties Who Have Experienced Stress and/or Trauma. (Unpublished Ph.D. thesis). University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, England.
2005 Art therapy in Education for Children with Emotional and Specific Learning Difficulties. In L. Kossolapow, S. Scoble & D. Waller (Eds.), European Arts Therapy: Different Approaches to a Unique Discipline (pp. 92-96). London: Transaction Publishers.
Ottarsdottir, U. 2004 Skólanám fellt inn í listmeðferð. (Integrating Coursework into Art Therapy). Glæður, 14(2), 19-25.
Ottarsdottir, U. 2004 Listmeðferð og nám. (Art Therapy and Education). Heimili og skóli, júlí, 18-19.


2024 Art Therapy Research, Grounded Theory and Drawn Diagrams. (Listmeðferðarannsókn, grunduð kenning og teiknaðar skýringamyndir). Lecture and worskshop for MA art therapy students. Health and Social Studies International Week. HAN University of Applied Sciences, Holland.
2023 Non-verbal Connection, Communication and Mirroring Through Joint Mirror Drawing in Art Therapy and Museums. The European Federation of Art Therapy (EFAT). Art Academy of Latvia, Riga.
2023 Emotional Well-Being and Coursework Learning Facilitated Through Memory Drawing. Invited Keynote speaker. The Italian Laboratory of Research and Development of Potential. Talent and Intellectual Giftedness (LabTalento). Target: Creativity Investing in the future. University of Pavia, Italy.
2022 Reflections – joint mirror drawing. Lecture given at The Icelandic University of the Arts. Collective Care: Hugarflug, Reykjavik.
2022 Processing Emotions and Memorising Coursework through Memory Drawing. Paper given at the European Consortium for Arts Therapies Education. ECArTE. MEMORY: Shaping Connections in the Arts Therapies, University of Crete. Vilnius University, Vilnius.
2022 Art therapy and memory drawing for children who have specific learning difficulties and have been traumatized and/or experienced serious difficulties. Landspitali- The National University Hospital of Iceland. Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (BUGL), Reykjavik.
2022 Memory in a Gallery from an Art Therapeutic Perspective. The Place of Memory and the Memory of Place. London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, London.
2022 Co-drawing and memory research in light of art therapy. Common Good: Dialogue on Community Art. The Reykjavik Academy and The Icelandic University of the Arts, Reykjavik.
2021 Drawing for memory. Memory and the Unconscious. London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, London.
2021 Memory in a Gallery from an Art Therapeutic Perspective. The European Federation of Art Therapy for a committee for art therapists working in museums.
2019 Processing Emotions and Memorising Coursework through Memory Drawing. The American Art Therapy Association Conference. Celebrating 50 Years of Healing Through Art. Kansas City, MO.
2019 Processing Emotions and Memorising Coursework through Memory Drawing. The International Practice/Research Conference. Queen Mary’s University, London.
2018 Research on Processing Emotions through Memory Drawing. Open public lecture at University of Goldsmiths, London.
2018 Processing Emotions and Memorising Coursework through Memory Drawing. Four open public lectures at the Reykjavik Academy, Reykjavik.
2018 Processing Emotions and Memorising Coursework through Memory Drawing. Keynote speaker, 20th Nordic Art Therapies Conference, Hveragerdi, Iceland.
2018 Research through Art. Fullveldismaraþon, the Reykjavik Academy, Reykjavik.
2017 Memory with pictures. Lecture at The Icelandic University of the Arts. Memory. Hugarflug, Reykjavik.
2016 Art Therapy in Education. The art educators’ day: … share, communicate, create. Reykjavik Art Museum, Reykjavik.
2016 Art Educational Therapy for Literacy Learning and Emotional Well-being. International Scientific Events. Education, Research & Development, Bulgaria.
2016 Art Therapy Research, Grounded Theory and Drawn Diagrams. Embodied eyes: Contemporary Arts Therapies. Nordic Art Therapy Seminar, Helsinki, Finland.
2016 Art Therapy and Creativity. Spring conference. The State Diagnostic and Counselling Centre, Reykjavik.
2015 Art Therapy and Writing-images. Lecture for personnel at Millfields Community School, London.
2014 Writing-images: For Enhancing Emotional Well-being and Facilitating Coursework Learning. Paper given at a Nordic seminar in the creative arts therapies: Sounds from the Deep. Sandefjord, Norway.
2014 Þátttakendur virkjaðir: Listamaður – fræðimaður / Listgreinakennari – almennur kennari. (Inspiring the Participants: Artist – academic / Art Education Teacher – Coursework Teacher). Workshop held and paper given at the Icelandic Teachers Union, Reykjavík.
2014 Nú er námsfærni endurheimt með skrifmyndum (Now We Reclaim Educational Abilities through Writing-images). H-21 Symposium Reykjavík Academy, Reykjavík.
2013 Frjó fræðimennska – fræðileg myndlist (Creative Research – Academic Art). Paper given at the Icelandic Academy of the Arts at a conference on research and creativity, Hugarflug, Reykjavík.
2013 Writing-images. Paper given at International Art Therapy Conference. Finding a Voice, Making Your Mark: Defining Art Therapy for the 21st Century: Goldsmiths, London.
2013 Art Therapy. Paper given at the Reykjavik School of Visual Art.
2012 Grounded Theory with Drawn Diagrams. Paper given at the Iceland Academy of the Arts at a conference on research and creativity, Hugarflug, Reykjavík.
2012 Art Therapy. Paper given at the Reykjavik School of Visual Art. Reykjavik.
2011 Art Therapy and Education. Paper given at the Icelandic Art Therapy Association. Reykjavik.
2011 Art Therapy with Adults. Paper given at the NLFI Rehabilitation and Health Clinic. Hveragerdi.
2011 Art Therapy with Children. Papers given at Department of Sports and Leisure in Reykjavík.
2010 Grunduð kenning sem rannsóknaraðferð (Grounded Theory as Research Method). Paper given at University of Akureyri. Fourth conference about qualitative research, Akureyri.
2005 Art Therapy and Writing-images. Paper given at the European Consortium for Arts Therapies Education. ECArTE. Arts Therapies: Grounding the Vision: to Advance Theory and Practice, University of Crete.
2005 Listmeðferð og nám. (Art Therapy and Education). Paper given at the Reykjavik Academy, Reykjavík.
2005 Listmeðferð og myndskrift. (Art Therapy and Writing Images). Paper given at the Iceland University of Education, Reykjavik.
2004 Art Therapy and Education for Children Who Have Experienced Emotional Difficulties and/or Trauma and Have Difficulty with Learning. Paper given at University of Hertfordshire, England.
2004 Art Therapy in Education for Children with Emotional and Specific Learning Difficulties. Paper given at the Reykjavik Academy, Reykjavík.
2003 Art Therapy in Education for Children with Emotional and Specific Learning Difficulties. Paper given at the European Consortium for Arts Therapies Education. ECArTE. Arts Therapy: Recognized Discipline or Soul-Graffiti?, Madrid.
2003 Art Therapy in Education for Children with Emotional and Specific Learning Difficulties. Paper given at the Icelandic Educational Research Association (IERA) at the Icelandic research centre: Gróska og margbreytileiki, Reykjavík.
2003 Art Therapy in Education for Children with Emotional and Specific Learning Difficulties. Paper given at the Iceland University of Education conference: Skóli fyrir alla, Reykjavík.


1998- The Icelandic Art Therapy Association.
1991- American Art Therapy Association.
2005- Icelandic Educational Research Association.
2005- Association of Icelandic Visual Artists.
2015- The British Association of Art Therapists.
2018- The European Federation of Art Therapy.

Extracurricular Activities

2021- The European Federation of Art Therapy. Research Committee. Steering group.
2020- The Icelandic Art Therapy Association. Art therapy education committee.
2022 Participation in a panel discussion. The Reykjavík Academy’s Anniversary Symposium II: Independent researchers – environment and challenges (invitation). The National and University Library of Iceland, Reykjavik.
2019 Participation in a Roundtable. Art Therapy in Education: Challenges, Opportunity and Best Practice (invitation). The International Practice/Research Conference. Queen Mary’s University, London.
2018 Consultant regarding selection of lectures for an International Practice/Research Conference.
2015 Iceland Academy of the Arts. Research committee.
2008-2013 Icelandic Art Therapy Association. Member of the Board.
2006 In a committee at University of Akureyri, on behalf of the Icelandic Art Therapy Association, on the possibilities of instigating MA art therapy education at the University.
2006-2008 Icelandic Art Therapy Association. Chairman.
2004-2006 Icelandic Art Therapy Association. Cashier.
1996 One of the main organisers for the Nordic Art Therapy Conference held in Iceland, entitled Art Therapy and Abuse, on behalf of the Icelandic Art Therapy Association. The Nordic House, Reykjavik.


2021 Hagþenkir
2021 Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS)
2020 Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS)
2019 Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS)
2019 Hagþenkir
2018 ERASMUS plus
2017 Hagþenkir
2014 ERASMUS plus
2014 Hagþenkir
2013 Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS)
2012 Hagþenkir
2010 Nordplus
2010 Nordplus
2007 Menningarsjóður Félagsheimila