To Wear a Care

The body is a home, but often it is foreign to the inhabitant. It has a back, front, upper and lower parts, with the surroundings all around. Clothes are most often next to the body. Trauma and stress tend to tear the body apart and make it alien, which can result in a deaf tongue, among other things. The different parts have their opposites: they can be warm and cold, close and distant, blue and red. Care and reflection keep fragments together – they are the part of the glue for assembling broken parts. To Wear a Care is a participatory textile work for surrounding the broken body so that it can become more integrated and whole again.
To Wear a Care was exhibited in the exhibition Língua Surda which was held February 21-29, 2024 at the FBAUP Museum in Porto, Portugal.
Curator: Professor Miguel Leal